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What is LIVE X ?

LIVE X is an AI/ML accelerator program of IIMK LIVE supported by Deloitte and Department of Science and Technology. This is 4 months accelerator program to support early stage startups with innovative products and solutions in AI/ML space.

What are the benefits that startups get from this program?

  • 30 Hrs of Mentoring Support from AI/ML experts and from Business Experts.  

  • Growth hacking support up to Rs. 1 Lakh/start up,

  • Seed Funding Support upto Rs. 30 lakhs

Can any AI/ML startups apply for this program?

Yes. As this is a sector agnostic AI/ML accelerator program any startup in AI/ML domain can apply for this program, however the preference will be given to startups with innovative products and at scale stage with early traction.

What kinds of funds are offered for startups under this program?

Seed fund is in the form of the equity. Valuation and investment terms with each of the start-ups will be discussed separately at the time of their respective offers, considering the risks and merits involved.

Will all the startups selected under this program get funded?

No. The startups selected for funding will be subjected to evaluation and recommendation by the investment committee at the centre.

Is it a virtual or Physical Acceleration Program?

This acceleration program is structured as a hybrid acceleration program. Startups are not mandated to work physically from the acceleration space provided at LIVE.

How often the applications are invited?

Applications for IIMK LIVE Acceleration Program is invited only once in a year. You may apply for the program directly through LIVE website and the notification will be released on website and social media handles.

Can i be eligible to apply if my startup has received grants / awards / equity investments etc ?

Yes. You are eligible to apply if  your startup has received grant/awards/investments. This would add value to your startup in many ways.

What are the main parameters you consider while  evaluating a startup ?

Unique innovative solution with a strong team and early traction in AI/ML domain will be considered in evaluation and selection.  Finally all the decisions with regard to evaluation and selection of startups for this program depends on the recommendation of the committee members.

What is the eligibility requirements for applying to Incubation Program at LIVE?

Applicants need to match the following:

  • You have a start-up entity registered and based in India.

  • You are working in any of the AI/ML area/domain

  • Your innovative product / solution is ready for commercialization.

  • Start-ups with innovative product/solution and with early traction in terms of customer and revenue will be given the preference

Can I submit multiple applications for this program ?

No. Multiple applications are not allowed for this program. Your first application will be considered as the final application for evaluation.

I am not associated with IIM Kozhikode as student/ alumni/ faculty. Can I apply for the LIVE Acceleration Program?

Yes. You may apply for the program.

I am a student/ alumni/ faculty of IIM Kozhikode. Do I still need to apply for the LIVE Acceleration Program?

Yes. There is only one admission process for all applicants. IIMK students/ alumni/ faculty may get priority subject to merit of the business idea.

I am already an incubatee of IIMK LIVE should I again apply for this program?

Yes. You may have to apply for this program separately and will be part of the selection process.

Is there any application fee?

LIVE takes effort to find, support and grow early-stage social entrepreneurs who can build high-impact sustainable organisations and doesn’t charge a fee for this program.

Number of evaluation rounds?

There will be two rounds of evaluation.The shortlisted startups will be invited to make a short pitch infront of the final selection commitee.

How and where will the pitching round be held ?

Pitching process will be held  virtually.Physical meetings and centre visits will be dependent on the ongoing pandemic risks and travel restrictions applicable from time to time.

How will I know about the result of each round?

IIMK LIVE would intimate you the status of the application via email to  your registered email id.

How will sensitive information pertaining to my startup be protected?

Information related to each startup will be highly confidential within the incubation centre and the discussion of the same idea with third parties are not practised.

Is the AI/ML accelerator program sector and function-agnostic ?

LIVE seeks to develop resources to focus on a few thrust areas so that it can provide intensive support and services to the Start-ups part of the accelerator program, at this juncture it would not restrict applicants based on technology/sectoral focus.

How can i reach to your team to clarify my doubts regarding the program

For any query, write to us at

IIMK LIVE, Top Floor, Computer Centre Building, IIMK Campus, Kozhikode 673570

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