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Pitch Craft


Fund Raising and Pitching Mentorship for Startups


IIMK LIVE’s Pitch Craft Program is an Investor Pitching Mentorship Program for Startups. Startups frequently prepare pitch decks to present their business idea and model to prospective angel or venture capital investors. The pitch deck is intended to showcase the company’s products, technology, and team to the investors. Raising capital from investors is difficult and time consuming. Therefore, it’s crucial that a startup absolutely nails its investor pitch deck and articulates a compelling and interesting story to gain investors’ confidence and funding. Through this program, we help startups to create a strong, engaging investor pitch deck, along with guidance on presenting to angel and venture capitalists to get funds.

Program Objectives/ Learning Goals

  • To make startups to deliver effective pitches.

  • To help startups to win the confidence of the investors.

  • Helping startups to understand the nuances of fund raising

Duration &  Schedule
The entire program will have two modules, Module 1 - 5 Training sessions and Module 2- Direct Pitching with a panel of experts

Module 1
As part of this program there will be 5 online sessions with overall duration of 6 Hrs covering following topics
1. How to make an effective Pitch - 1 Hr
2. Designing a good pitch deck – 1 Hr
3. Art of Fund Raising - Investor Perspective- 1 Hr
4. Art of Fund Raising - Startup Perspective – 1 Hr
5. Introduction to Startup Valuation and Term Sheet – 2 Hrs

Module 2
After the completion of training sessions, in module 2 the participants will have the option to pitch/interact with two angel/VC expert panels via online. These two pitching/interactive sessions will be planned in an interval of 15 days. Hence the participants can work on the suggestions and the advice provided by the panel in round 1 and deliver a more effective pitch in round 2 to seek final feedback.

Eligibility for this program
Any individual/ startups working on an idea or planning to initiate a startup can be part of this program.

Rs. 15000 per startup for maximum of two founders from a startup.

The program is expected to start by 15 th March and conclude by 30 th April 2023. Online sessions shall be scheduled during evening hours.

The participants who have successfully completed module 1 and  2 shall receive a certificate of completion from IIMK LIVE.

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